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PCR and RT-PCR Service

StarSEQ offers a broad spectrum

of PCR and RT-PCR services:


At StarSEQ, we specialize in providing high-quality, reliable, and fast PCR services for a wide range of applications. Whether you need to amplify short or long fragments or require anywhere from one to thousands PCR reactions, our experts deliver customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.


  • Standard PCR: Routine amplification of specific DNA fragments.
  • Real-Time qPCR: Quantitative gene expression analysis and pathogen detection.
  • Multiplex PCR: Amplify multiple targets simultaneously for increased efficiency.
  • high and low throughput DNA extraction from diverse tissue types (click here to find out more)
  • Porting and validation of customer PCR protocols
  • Carrying out of high and low throughput PCR and qPCR amplification using high-quality (RT-) PCR cyclers from Applied Biosystems™ and Biometra™
  • Low throughput PCR clean up service (enzymatic, magnetic or column)
  • High throughput automated PCR clean up service with magnetic beads using Biomek NXp robotic system (Beckman Coulter™)
  • PCR product analysis with high throughput multi capillary gel electrophoresis system Qiaxcel (Qiagen™)
  • Sequence Verification: Sequencing of PCR products with ABI 3730 DNA Analyzer
  • Quantitative Real-Time PCR is carried out on Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 3™ Real-Time PCR System


We also offer a PCR assay validation and development service. Don’t waste your time on unsuccessful trials. We have over 15 years experience in developing highly reliable PCR assays.

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