StarSEQ aims to offer a complete service in the analysis of genetic material. Our main priorities are our orientation towards our customers and our careful advisory service. Starting in 2008 as a company with an extraordinary affordable DNA sequencing service we have expanded our service covering next generation sequencing, bioinformatics, genotyping, extensive industrial services, animal healthcare and personal genomics. We have important clients throughout 40 countries worldwide, among them giants of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. It is our strong belief that our service can add value to your budget. We promise to you high-quality standards, ensured by our highly motivated scientific team which has more than 25 years experience in DNA sequencing and genome analysis.

Takeover of operational business of GENterprise GmbH by StarSEQ GmbH
Dear Customers and Business Partners,
We are delighted to inform you that backdated to 1 January, 2014, StarSEQ GmbH has taken over the operative business of GENterprise GmbH.
GENterprise Genomics is now a StarSEQ GmbH brand. As a result of the takeover of additional fields of business, StarSEQ GmbH has broadened its services to encompass molecular biology, biotechnology and diagnostics.
The integration of the GENterprise Genomics’ portfolio into StarSEQ GmbH’s existing business areas provides an optimal extension of the services offered by StarSEQ GmbH. As legal successor, StarSEQ GmbH assumes all rights and responsibilities associated with the operative business of GENterprise GmbH. All contracts entered into maintain their validity. We are very pleased to continue offering you high-value DNA and RNA research and services!