About us
TRON gGmbH is a transdisciplinary, not-for-profit research organization based at the Technologiezentrum Mainz. TRON translate innovation into products that promote human health.
TRON gGmbH – Translational Oncology at the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz non profit GmbH is a biopharmaceutical research organization that pursues new diagnostics and drugs for the treatment of cancer and other severe diseases with high medical need. A focus of TRON is the development of novel platforms for individualized therapies and biomarkers, translating basic research into drug applications. TRON partners with academic institutions, biotech companies and the pharmaceutical industry, executing research with leading-edge technologies and supporting the development of innovative drugs to promote human health.

bio.logis Center for Human Genetics
bio.logis Center for Human Genetics (CfH) is our partner for human diagnostic and personal genomics. It is a clinical institution with board certified physicians for humangenetics. The complete spectrum of genetic diagnostics and counselling is offered for healthy clients, patients and physicians. Based on its expertise in human genetics the Center is also involved in the development of innovative IT-systems for genetic information management (GIM). GIM-IT allows all stakeholders in the healthcare system the translation of genetic information into clinical practice to enable better decision finding concerning health.
bio.logis Center for Human Genetics is located at the Frankfurt Innovation Center for Biotechnology (“FIZ”, Frankfurter Innovationszentrum Biotechnologie).

mfd Diagnostics
mfd Diagnostics is our partner for animal healthcare and veterinary diagnostic. The company is specialized in health monitoring, cryopreservation and rederivation, animal husbandry and breeding, immunisation as well as in contract research on small rodents and pigs. mfd stands for Models, Facts and Data. With this basic idea of using appropriate and high-quality animal models to accomplish facts and generate reproducible data the company supports its clients in the effective implementation of their research goals. The company was founded in 2004 out of the University of Mainz. Professionals with extensive experience in biotechnology and veterinary medicine, as well as in diagnostics, pharmacology and pathology form the team. mfd Diagnostics GmbH is GLP certified since 2006 and achieved ISO 9001 certification in 2010.

Universitätsmedizin Mainz
The University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz – the fifth largest university in Germany – is located in the center of the state capital Mainz, at the western border of the metropolitan Rhine-Main Region. This means that it is only fifteen minutes away from Frankfurt Airport, one of the most important airports in the world and the biggest one in Germany.
As the only University Medical Center in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate they offer healthcare to the highest university standard. In addition, they do not only provide medical treatment – the University Medical Center Mainz is an outstanding research center and a well-established institution of medical education as well. These three pillars of medicine – clinical healthcare, medical education and medical research – are inextricably interwoven. Their patients always receive the best healthcare through the implementation of the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic methods, all founded on knowledge from cutting-edge medical research.

Galantos Genetics
Galantos Genetics is our partner for validated genetic testing and DNA preparation from forensic samples or swabs.
Galantos Genetics is a special laboratory run by academics that not only provide quality service and genetic testing, but also create new improved forms of genetic and forensic tests. The genetic tests are carried out in Mainz; the new research and creation of tests are a close cooperation with the American based company Independent Forensics. All tests that are carried out by Galantos Genetics are subject to strict protocols and SOPs (standard operating procedures). The company fulfils all usual German and European standards. Galantos Genetics is accredited by the European Standards (ISO 17025) of the DAkks (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle) and has successfully taken part in the GEDNAP interlaboratory comparisons. The Project Manager Dr. Karl Reich is accredited by the American Standards of the NFSTC the AABB(American Association of Blood Banks) the DOH (State of New York, Department of Health) and the FBI.

Mainzer Wissenschaftsallianz (Mainz Science Alliance)
Since 2008, the Mainz Science Alliance has represented the breadth and quality of research and technological know-how in and around Mainz. This scientific, economic and social network was founded as a non-profit association at the beginning of June 2013. The objective was to increase networking of the universities, scientific institutions and companies in Mainz and its environs to promote research and science and to thereby strengthen Mainz as a centre of scientific activity. A further objective was to increase the national and international visibility of Mainz as an economic region. The association also has the task of initiating new projects and cooperative ventures among members of the alliance, and of providing a platform for exchange with the scientific community.

SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing Konsortium Mainz
Das Konsortium aus Einrichtungen der Universitätsmedizin Mainz, der Johannes Gutenberg Universität sowie der Firma StarSEQ bietet die technologische Plattform für die SARS-CoV-2-Sequenzanalyse nach den Richtlinien des Robert-Koch Instituts. Die vom Konsortium erstellten Genomsequenzen gehen in die nationale Überwachungsinitiative gemäß der Coronavirus-Surveillanceverordnung (CorSurV) ein. Die aktuelle Entwicklung der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie zeigt eine kontinuierliche Neuentstehung und Ausbreitung von genetischen Varianten des Virus mit z.T. gesteigertem Infektionspotenzial und erhöhter Pathogenität. Es ist daher erforderlich, diese dynamischen Prozesse der Variantenentstehung und -ausbreitung zu überwachen und zu erforschen. Die Sequenzierung und bioinformatische Analyse kompletter viraler Genome ist hierfür das Mittel der Wahl.
Zum Konsortium gehören die folgenden Partnereinrichtungen:
- Institut für Virologie der Universitätsmedizin Mainz (Prof. Plachter, PD Dr. Lemmermann)
- Institut für Humangenetik der Universitätsmedizin Mainz (Prof. Schweiger, Prof. Gerber)
- Krankenhaushygiene der Universitätsmedizin Mainz (Prof. Pietsch, Dr. Kohnen),
- Transfusionszentrale der Universitätsmedizin Mainz (Prof. Hitzler, Dr. Runkel),
- Coronavirus-Testzentrum der Universitätsmedizin Mainz (Dr. Michel)
- AG Molekulargenetik/FB 10 der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Prof. Hankeln)
- Firma StarSEQ GmbH, Mainz (Dr. Sven-Ernö Bikar)